After watching the video and completing my own research I was able to construct a step by step process for creating a short film. First, come up with a compelling and original idea for my short film. This can be inspired by personal experiences, current events, or just my imagination. Next, I will write a treatment or outline for my film. This should include the main plot points and character arcs, as well as any significant scenes or dialogue. Once I have a solid treatment, it's time to start writing the script. Make sure to keep the length of my film in mind, as my short film can be a maximum of 5 minutes. As I write, focus on creating strong and relatable characters. A well-developed protagonist can help to engage my audience and make them care about the story. Aim to avoid lengthy explanation and maintain a natural and genuine tone in the discussion. Use visual storytelling to communicate knowledge and emotion—show, don't tell. Observe how the movie is structur...