Short film research: Day Of The Fight by Stanley Kubrick

Common Sound in the Genre feature

 a mix of diegetic and non-diegetic sounds. Natural sounds, interviews, and ambient noises are commonly used to provide an authentic atmosphere. Kubrick's approach may involve carefully selected and edited sound to enhance the storytelling.

Common Mis-En-Scene (CLAMPS)

 in the Genre Documentaries like Kubrick's may focus on capturing real-life events and subjects. The mise-en-scène could involve actual locations, people, and objects relevant to the documentary's subject matter.

Common Editing in the Genre

 Documentary editing often involves the compilation of real footage, interviews, and other materials to create a cohesive narrative. Kubrick's editing in documentaries may exhibit a combination of observational and narrative styles

Example Films of the Genre

 Specific documentaries such as "The Thin Blue Line," "Grizzly Man," and "Don't Look Back" showcase different styles within the genre.

Elements of the Genre That You Like

 Kubrick's approach, if applied in a documentary, might involve a unique perspective or storytelling technique that adds depth to the subject matter.

Elements of the Genre That Do Not Appeal

 Additionally, the use of real footage depicting challenging or distressing situations may be difficult for some audiences to watch


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