Intro Blog

What’s up my name is Ryan Wunsch attending Ft Lauderdale High and I’m currently a junior. I am 16 years old and my birthday is April 8 and I was born 2006. Right now I am very interested in learning how to play chess. I have been playing online a couple times a day and have greatly improved in the past couple of weeks. Something else I have been really working on is studying for the SAT. I just started doing online classes every week. My biggest current goal is to get into the University of Florida. I have also been thinking about FSU and other Florida schools if things don't go to plan. I have also been really into soccer lately. I play every week with friends as the recent world cup sparked a huge interest for us. In my free time lately I have been spending lots of time with my friends as we tend to hangout every weekend. I have also been driving a lot as I need to improve more.  Another big thing I love doing every week is attending my churches youth group. Every Sunday we go hangout eat dinner and do a fun activity. Also every Wednesday we play a sport the changes every month. I love sports and am currently really excited for the Super bowl as it is my favorite sporting event every year.  Throughout the course this year I have had lots of fun filming and making the projects. I defiantly have learned a lot about editing and how hard it is to make a film. I have defiantly gotten way better at acting as I was the main actor in both films. I have lots of Ideas for this final one and am very exited to start planning it out. 


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