Picturing it all out



Story Board

Scene 1: For the beginning shot of the music video, we will utilize a medium shot. This will allow us to get a complete view of the main character as well as the bed he is in. This shows us both character and setting.

Scene 2: Following this shot, we will use a tracking shot that follows the old man walking out of his room. This will highlight the movement of the scene, as he exits his room. This motions into the next scene.

Scene 3: In the third shot, the camera orientation will be set in a medium close-up. We will see a more in-depth view of the old man and his emotions, as well as the setting he’s interacting with.

Scene 4:  For this scene we will use a editing tactic called fade in showing him taking pills to highlight his age then we can fade out into the next scene.

Scene 5: An establishing shot will be used in this scene to get a wide scene of his room which will be messy to show his struggles and tough life.

Scene 6: This scene will be using a zoom shot. We will have the camera high then zoom into the photo album with all the old pictures of him when he was younger.

Scene 7: This shot will be a close shot of the photo album with a view of a picture of the flashback we will be focusing on. The reason to be close is to show detail of the picture as we will be acting it out.

Scene 8: Then the camera slowly starts to zoom in to the picture until it is the only thing on the screen and then it will cut to us acting out the scene. This will create the idea that the man is dreaming about what de did in each picture.

Scene 9: In this scene we will be acting out the flashback from a medium shot to show the scene of the photo in real life. We will track the actor play around the spaceship. And then pan back out as we go back to a over the shoulder shot of the man back turning the page to another picture.

10: The following scene will be the zoom out of the photo album and then the zoom back into the kid in the bed. This scene will take place in the actor’s bedroom. This scene will be an extreme close-up with a zoom angle.

Scene 11: The next scene will be a wide shot of the bedroom with the actor’s “mom” acting like she is reading him a bedtime story. We will do this as the line “When our mama sang us to sleep” plays, we will do this to further the telling of the story because it adds to the remembrance of childhood.

Scene12: The final scene will be of the kid sleeping, a medium close-up. This shot will add to the meaning of the lyrics and bring the video full circle as it opened with the shot of the old man waking up.


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