Group Blog


For my group I chose people I know will work well together and have availability to do things out of school. I also decide I wanted to get to know more people so also focused on people I could become good friends with and work well together. For my first group mate I chose Logan as we have been friends for a while now. We meet and elementary school and became good friends begging of freshman year. This was due to us having lots of classes together and lots of the same friends. Due to this I know we will work well together. We also live very close making things a lot easier for future filming. Another reason is when we got the class together, we thought of a few ideas, and he has amazing items to use in all our videos. We also have similar interest so brainstorming for projects would be very easy as we both wanted to do the same thing. My next group mate is Griffin. I met him a couple of days into the class, and he seemed very energetic and looked like a hard worker. He also was on board with the ideas that I had come up with. He mainly seemed like a fun person to work with who would be great at being the main character in our projects. My last group mate is Nick. I met him recently in class through Griffin. Although I haven’t been able to talk to him much, I have had him in previous classes and saw that he would get his work done on time and kept up on group activities. He also seemed like someone who would be good in front of the camera. I am very excited to work withs group as we all know we can get things done out of school and all have the same thought process for how this should go. Both Griffin and Nick are both new people I met through this class so it will be good to work with new people. I'm very excited and know we have a great group.


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