Intro Blog

Intro Blog

What’s up my name is Ryan Wunsch attending Ft Lauderdale High and I’m currently a junior. I am 16 years old and my birthday is April 8 and I was born 2006. One of my biggest interests right now is boating. I currently have a boating license and my family’s owns two boats so I have been able to practice. My current goal right now is to learn how to operate and take both out by myself so I can go out with friends. Another reason I’m so invested into learning how to drive is because water sports are also something I’m really into so I could go out a lot more if I learn and a friend does to .A few others things I like to do are snorkeling and lobstering which I also need the boat for. I also love sports I’m currently not on a team but going out and playing football or baseball with friends is super fun and also watching them is something I do a lot. During my free time I also like to go to the gym after school and also play video games with my friends. I’m also a little into cars I don’t know a ton about them but I like to play car games on my computer and used to be really into getting pictures of them as I have a lot of family members and friends who also are experts with cars. A lot of my family are also big hunters so I have been trying out that and have gone to a camp and on a few trips with my family. Another thing I do out of school is youth group with my church as it allowed me to meet many new friends and go on amazing trip’s helping people. I go every Sunday and have a great time which also has allowed me to get many service hours through the trips and events they go on. I’m ok at things like English, History and math I’m probably the worst at chemistry. My goal is to go to the University of Florida for collage but I’m not so sure what I want to do. I mainly want to go there due to the many times have visited the campus and because of all the family members that have attended there. My goal for this year is to keep grades up as it is the hardest year I have had and one of the most important. I also enjoy mountain biking with my brothers and dad at places like Markham And Alafia park. My family likes to go to National parks during summer break and we have been to places like Yellowstone and Zion National Park. I also have been out of the country twice on a family trip on a cruise. My favorite foods are seafood and Chinese and my favorite food is lobster as it tastes good and I can go out and catch straight from the ocean. I chose this class because it seemed really cool to be able to film my on videos and I also wanted to learn how to edit videos so this could get me started on that. I have always been good with computers and technology so I think it will be fun and interesting to learn everything as I will also be able to spot things I learn when I go to movies. I have lots of good ideas for this project and all the other so I’m excited to start working.


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