Planning Blog


Planning Blog


 Scene, we chose to do a BMW commercial. Our main prop is a BMW, other props may include a handheld sign and a racing suite.


The costume for the main character would be something business casual, showing a level of class associated with the brand. The clothes shouldn’t be too formal but should be a slightly more relaxed business look. A dress shirt with pants and additional accessories is the main blueprint of the look.


On 9/27/22 our group researched and came up with ideas for an establishing shot and the rest of the film

On 9/30/22 our group will finalize all props locations and necessary changes to film

On 10/3/22 our group will create the story board for the commercial

On 10/6/22 our group will start recording our commercial

On 10/13/22 our group will finish up by editing and make the final product presentable

Location list:

Our main location is a warehouse. At the warehouse, we will film the exigence shot of a well-dressed person getting in the car and starting it. This would show the elegance of the car but also the performance it is capable of. We would then film rolling shots of the car. This would show how the car is a smooth ride.

Our second location would be a large parking lot or a spot where we could get the car high up. At this location, we would film the car from a low angle.  This shot would show that the cart is superior to others and represents the power it possesses.

Our third possible location is an empty parking lot. At this location, we would film the car from a bird's eye view shot of the car driving. This would show the maneuverability of the car and why it is such a pleasure to drive.

Backup plan:

 If we cannot get the BMW during our recording time one of our groupmates has a toy BMW that we can work with and use toy props. If someone is missing during our recording, we have friends that are willing to record or act in our commercial. We also have the option of going to a group member's house if we can't get to our other locations.


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