Creative Critical Reflection

1.      How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?                                                                                                                                                           

Are commercial as many similar elements to the conventions, we used thing like a high pace tempo, upbeat music and similar camera angles to make it feel as close to a BMW commercial as possible. We also tried to display the same clothes and props that would be used in a commercial. This also ties in with the social groups as the costume represents a wealthy man hinting the fact that BMW cars are made for the wealthy class of people.

 How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text?

 It shows lots of high pace action and shows high performance of the car which certain groups will like. People who are into cars will also appreciate and promote the commercial due to this car being antique. The main purpose of the commercial would bring back recognition to the car and possibly not sell  it but bring recognition to BMW from a older group of people or people into older cars.

How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

My production skill greatly improved after this project. Through iMovie I learned many skills for example how to add music, transitions, cut videos and overall how to start making videos. I leaned also how to make a minute worth of shots be displayed in 30 seconds which was one of the hardest parts of editing to me. I also learned lost about filming like how to make lighting perfect and what angles are best for certain types of shots. I was able to act a bit which gave me a view on how hard it can be to do all the steps perfectly without having a single slip up.

 4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project? 

We integrated many uses of technologies into the project. We used a iPhone to film everything for our project. We also used many laptops to make the editing part possible. With the use of iMovie we also were able to get free sounds that fit right in with our project.


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