Filming Blog
Filming Blog
On Wednesday October 5th my group and I filmed most of our commercial. We all met up at the Wearhouse Logan works at due to having the car and other necessary things to film our project. I was a little late due to a appointment I had being delayed. Logan had recorded a few noises and small clips before we got their just to make things easier. Due to the cloudy weather we decide to wait to film some of the shots. I was acting in the commercial and also brought a costume to wear. I acted in one scene as the driver for our car. When filming we made sure there where no other cars in the area so that our driver and our camera operator where safe at all times. We tested all the angles before each shot to make sure it would work best for that shot. Also to make sure there was nothing we didn't want in the background. We are also thinking about reshooting a couple shots when we film are last one due to the weather being better for all the shots. I used props like glasses and car keys to really make sure it looked like I was getting out the car. I used the glasses to add onto the look of a wealthy customer. The costume we used was a nice pair of shoes and a nice jacket to also improve the look of myself while acting .I made sure while filming to adjust the angles if I saw our cameraman shooting a little to high or low. A lot of the shots did not take many shots to perfect to our liking as a lot was based on the car witch couldn't be messed up to bad. During the whole process Logan was the only driver as it was the safest way due to it being his car. The process took about 1 hour in all to get all the shots. We are planning another quick session around 30 minutes to get are last shots. The filming has been easy as their is not much acting needed for it. We plan to meet Saturday.
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