Production Blog: Editing

 Production Blog: Editing

After filming our group decided on using iMovie to make our commercial. We also decided not to take a finial shot due to bad weather and realizing the commercial would work just fine without it. We took a break and started working on editing in our next class. We started off trying to edit on a phone but realized that it would not work out and switched to a laptop. At first we had some troubles but quickly learned how to maneuver through the app. Are first goal was to figure out the main clips we wanted in the commercial as we filmed a few extra in case we needed them. We used almost all of them except for one due to bad filming and time management. After deciding the clips we really focused on getting the clips down below 30 seconds as much as possible. We knew when we that we would need some transitions and effects so we needed some space. We cut and sped up some clips which left us with about 6 seconds to spare on our outro and transitions. We cut a lot from the scene with the cars driving by as a lot of it was unnecessary and looked better without it. We also took a huge chunk out of the speedometer clips as we only wanted the part of its climax.  We started to add some transitions and other ideas as we are still trying to figure out what exactly we want it to look like. We spent a a lot of time on making transitions look nice and effects to be timed right on the first scene of the commercial. We are still working a lot of ideas we want a split screen for one scene and cool audios for others. Overall we spent around a hour on editing and coming up with ideas. After all of this we are just under the time limit at 29 seconds so everything has been sent in place. Tomorrow we plan to meet in a class and really get most of the editing done. I have came up with a lot of the ideas and done part of the editing. Overall we have been working as a group sharing ideas and helping each other out on editing. 


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