Genre Decision Blog

As a group we have decided to choose the action genre. This will be the best fit for our pitch. It also is the main genre that makes sense for our topic. Sense the pitch is biased on the kidnaping of the president we need a genre that will be able to capture this feeling.  Action also tends to be fast paced and some new crazy thing happening each cut. All the genres that we researched could be slightly added into our movie introduction. For example, some of the tension building techniques could be used in the buildup of the kidnapping like using a high angle to show when the president may be vulnerable. Thrillers tend to spend most of the time just building up to the main action. The over the shoulder shots are used regularly in both genres but the extreme close ups from the action genre fit our vibe better. Some of the comedic relief factors include some dialogue between characters. Also making many other genres included will defiantly make it more entertaining. Having multiple smaller genres will please more people. Their mis-en-sen will also impact our pitched idea. All of this could cause the introduction to become confusing. Action is by far the most relative genre to our pitch because of its fast passed rhythm. This perfectly meets are goal to keep every second of our film to be active. Action also is our best fit as all the other aspects of a action packed film. For example camera movement as its usually always at a low or mid angles which is what we plan to use. The sound we also work as we would do high pace music to fit the action scenes. Editing would also be easy as there would not need to be much as action is usually a bunch of cuts. Genres like comedy and thriller are usable for the type of film we are doing but they just don't fit as well. It would be a lot better to incorporate a small use of each genre.   


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