Suiting Up

To start our film process I have been getting things ready. The first thing I did was get some costumes ready. I ordered masks online to wear n the film. I also got out some of the clothes like black hoodies and sweat shirts. I made sure to get only longer cloths as they would fit best for what we want are character to look like. I also found two old ski googles as they would be perfect for covering up the face. I got a lot f my old ski gear to really make a couple possible outfits. I also looked for possible props I have. I found a fake grenade we could use. I also found a few fake weapons that I would need to paint. I went over to my friends house we were going to film at. I used this as the prefect opportunity to scope out all the places we could film. I went around his apartment room first trying different views. I then went and tried how we could do the hallway to stair shot. I finally went down to the pool area to look around for a good shot and found a fence we could use to hop over. I finally went down outside to find a good place to start the film. For more prep our group went to the park to try out the drone Logan has. We first all helped setting it up for take off. We also tried it out to see who would be the best. Logan was the best and owned so he would have the most time to practice. Overall I have been putting in lots of prep so the day we film will go perfectly.


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