Our Pitch

Pitch A: A mechanic works to earn enough money to become a race car driver and joins the big race.

Pitch B: A secret agent enters a Russian criminal's home and a battle ensues, resulting in high-stakes action.

Pitch A: This pitch could work very well with the materials we have at hand. Logan works as a mechanic, so we can utilize his workplace as a set. Additionally, he races as a hobby so we can use this for filming as well. Overall, we have a lot at our disposal for this specific project. Additionally, the theme of this story interests our group. The idea of pure dedication and drive fueling a mechanic to move upwards in life is a sentiment we enjoy being put into film. The pure work the driver is putting in shows a central message that anything is possible, as long as you want it enough. This pitch has a good central theme and is realistic to film.

 Pitch B: This specific pitch is also realistic, as the main setting is a residential home. So, one interior is much easier than the racing pitch's two or three. This makes filming much simpler. The plot is also much simpler, making it fit more realistically into the short film format. Not having to cram too many emotional story beats is better. The plot is a simple good vs. bad, which again, works much better. As a group, we are interested in the action movie format additionally. We enjoy this type of movie, and making one ourselves would scratch a specific itch.

Final Decision: We have decided to go with Pitch A, as this film captures our interest more and we want to utilize any settings we can. 


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