Car Issues

Our group was depending on Logan's race car as the main car. Due to a recent crash it is out of service. The crash caused major damage on the right side of the car. I later found out that the car was totaled. With that news we all decide to look for a car. I started searching the web for the type that Logan needed. After no luck I decided to switch to auctions to maybe find something there. I found a few cars and sent them to Logan but he said none of them would work. I decided to just go through many online marketplaces like Facebook market place to find anything we could get to run into to film. I also went with Logan to look at a car. It looked good but had some slight problems we didn't like. With having no luck I decided to get us a backup plan. I reached out to the same family member from before to see if we could borrow a car. He was unsure but said if it came down to it we could use it. Although we had this backup plan I still wanted to help look for a new car. I found one that Logan attempted to get but the bid ran up to high. I kept looking but just couldn't find what we were looking for.  Although we still don't have a main car I am still on the search. I will update if we find one. But for now we still are able to film.


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