
 I started to get editing down. I had a bit of time before we started to film. I was able to find the application I was going to edit the film on. I decided I would edit on iMovie. It has it worked very well in the past. I began by taking some old footage that Logan had gave me to try and learn new skills. I wanted to create the racing part of our film to feel intense. I focused on transitions and making the sounds feel loud. I watch a few videos and attempted to replicate those skills into the clip. I also went to a friend of mine who has more experience for help as well. He was a to show me a few more techniques. After a few hours I came up with a short clip. It made a simple driving clip into a more interesting and intense racing clip. We weren't going to use this in our movie as the footage was outdated. This all did help me refresh up on how to use the application. I was also able to test out some different techniques to get speed up on my editing process. This will allow me to quickly edit a clip so if we don't like how it turns out we have time to remake it. With all this practice I feel confident that I will easily be able to edit our film with these new skills. I was also able to get a few more props for our film that I think could be useful. Still no luck with a new car I will continue to update when things change.


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