Editing Part One

With time in between are next chance to film I started to edit and review. I first went to take a detailed look over our filming. I went through each scene checking for any clips that needed to be reshot. After carefully going through each one I noticed a few things. There were a few times when the acting was a bit messed up. There were also a few things that shouldn't have been in the shot. I decided that a lot of this could be fixed with editing. I also looked for things that could be improved on when we film aging. After a deep review on the clips I gathered all the things I would need to start editing. I began editing the establishing scene placing sound with it and making it the create length. I then went on to edit the rest of the scenes. I had a bit of trouble with some of the sound. I was able to figure it out quickly with a video. I then had a issue with a scene in the house I though I could fix. I decided to take note and let the group know we needed to refilm it. I also made sure to let them know what the errors were. This will make the refilm quick and easy. There is still no luck on the car. This means the next film part needs a bit of a delay. I will continue to keep everyone updated. 


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