Filming Part One

 Today we started to film. I used my phone and Logans Go pro to film. Logan and I arrived on time with all the correct materials. Griffin arrived a bit later. We decided to film all the scenes that didn't need a race car for now. I played apart in acting and filming. We started off with the establishing shot of the house. We then moved on to the shots inside the house. This is the part were I was acting. It took me a few attempts to get my scene. We then moved onto the car repair scenes as the broken car would work perfect for this part. I was not in this part so I was put to the task to film. This was one of the harder shots for us to film. It needed a lot of hard angels to get and the acting was a bit harder. We got everything cleaned up right after this. With all that said the day went great for us. All the props and costumes worked out. We had no issues with weather and never needed to resort to a backup plan. We are all still on the lookout for a car. Once we are able to find one we will continue filming the other parts.    


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